Friday, January 23, 2009

DO NOW 1/23/09

IDEA   helps  us  to go to  collge  by  leading us on the right path. It also helps you to get  good  grades. They  tell that you could be  someone important in your life.The best thing is that they take you to FIELD LESSONS.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

DO NOW 1/22/09

  1. Dont give  your name and last name
  2. Do what the techer tells  you to  do.
  3. Dont  mess  with mose  and the  keybored.
  4. Dont  put  your  picture in  your e-mail.
  5. Dont give any personal information at all.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

DO NOW 1/20/09

safety,personal responsibility,acceptible use..